Revisting Pianotypes

I recently finished a course in deep learning and wanted to took a look at a few ways I could apply my knowledge to. The idea the came to me was to create an ai music generation model and feed it into my old pianotypes app. Simple right! It’s all broken So I booted up my old, dusty, untouched, forgotten, delapidated, abused, ramshackled, repository, and lo and behold, I can’t get it to run....

August 18, 2023

Svelte Reactive Classes

I’ve been working on migrating my old PianoTypes project over from Vue to Svelte. So far the syntax has been much cleaner to use and has been an overall a great experience. My first and primary pain point thus far has been implementing a global reactive state for the piano. The Problem In Vue, it’s possible to add a reactive wrapper to any object. In my case, I had created a class containing all of the piano data and property methods so all I had to do was wrap this class in the wrapper and state is maintained across all instances of my piano class....

August 12, 2023