Intro to Deep Learning

Neural Networks See Machine Learning How do you decide how many neurons to use per layer? One way is to start with all layers uing the same amount of neurons and continue adding them until they start overfitting the data Dropout: Regularlization technique to avoid overfitting. Leaves out data to better deal with general cases. 20%-50% dropout is a good starting range. Momentum: Helps finding the direction of next descent and prevent oscillations....

June 12, 2023

Overview of Probability

I’ve always had trouble understanding probability, especially when entering into the more theoretical aspects of it. Here, I want to cover some of the basic concepts and functions core to probability in an easily digestible format that I can refer to later on when I inevitably forget it all. Random Variable Whenever there’s a question of probability, you tend to have some range of possible outcomes sourced from a specific event....

June 4, 2023

Intro to Machine Learning

In preparation for a deep learning course I’m taking over the Summer, I’m taking a short intro course on machine learning to help prepare me for some of the fundamental concepts. I’ve been avoiding AI for a while but given its ongoing application in nearly everything now, I figure it’s more than worth getting my feet wet. ML Overview flowchart LR subgraph Shader Lifecycle direction LR d[("Dataset")] --> m(("Model")) --> o("...

May 28, 2023