Making an Osu Banner

After submitting my last osu fanart, I decided to make my own osu banner. My profile was looking pretty empty without one and I figured after all that work to put together my own rendition of Enchanted Love, might as well put those meshes to more use. I wanted to keep it fairly simple as I know I’m pretty limited in gif size and quality for it to work as a profile banner (otherwise if it’s too large, the auto-compression will convert the image into a static jpeg)....

May 2, 2023

Using Kanban Boards

Now that I’m starting on Slime Hunter, I figured I should get back to using some project management tools. In particular, Kanban boards as they are simple to manage and don’t come with nearly as much fluff as something like Jira issue tracking systems. The nice thing as well is that there’s so many great project management tools out there. In this case, I’ve decided to use Trello as I’m familiar with Atlassian tools (again Jira) so I feel comfortable continuing to use their products....

May 1, 2023

Folder Structure and Making Mistakes

When using a programming engine or framework, one of the things I get stuck on the most is how to organize all the directories and files for a project. Every technology has its own separate ethos when it comes to the separation of concerns. It’s such an important part in order to not have a growing project becoming a nightmare for other’s to work with, or even yourself after spending some time away from it....

April 28, 2023

Osu Fanart Again!?

Journey into a Beatmap Getting Started After doing my first fanart, I didn’t have any intention of doing another but this one’s theme instantly gave me the idea of incorporating 3D modelling into the art piece. In summary, the theme is to create an Osu fanart with the OC’s inside a beatmap. I immediately had the idea of drawing Enchanted Love as I fell in love with the visuals from the original MV....

April 24, 2023

Making Osu Fanart

osu! Fanarts? Osu holds several fanart contest every year with themes often related to the time of year. Themes such as Winter or Halloween are such examples. Regardless of theme, the general idea seems to always be to draw any of the osu mascots inside or partaking in said theme. At the time I had been playing osu for about 4 months and really enjoying it. On the other hand, I’ve been drawing casually for a few years as a hobby so it seemed naturally to want to give these contests a shot....

April 24, 2023

New Beginnings

Hi, I’m a developer. That in itself doesn’t mean too much really and for me it only really marks the beginning of what I would like to do and achieve. I’ve read my share of devlogs and appreciate the amount of value it gives to readers while also envying the sheer knowledge and coherence each of the authors are able to display. I hope I can also create devlogs of similar value....

April 23, 2023