Some Casual Art

I’ve been trying to get into the habit of drawing casually as opposed to doing so as part of some contest or project. Part of that is just drawing what I feel in the moment. I’m not intending to follow any style but at the same time I’m not stopping myself from easing any habits which resulted with a few pictures that do share a style. I always felt with drawing that I have no clue what my style is....

July 13, 2023

3D Matrix Rotations

Intuition of 3x3Matrix Transformations Rotations can be achieved by locking the desired axes of rotation and transforming the rest of the axes by \(sin\) and \(cos\). 3x3 matrices can be used to bend the coordinate space in 3 dimensions, effectively allowing any desired transformations to objects in that space. As the coordinate space is being transformed, it’s helpful breaking up the matrix into its unit vectors $$ \vec{a} = x\begin{bmatrix}1\\0\\0\end{bmatrix} + y\begin{bmatrix}0\\1\\0\end{bmatrix} + z\begin{bmatrix}0\\0\\1\end{bmatrix} $$...

June 15, 2023

Intro to Deep Learning

Neural Networks See Machine Learning How do you decide how many neurons to use per layer? One way is to start with all layers uing the same amount of neurons and continue adding them until they start overfitting the data Dropout: Regularlization technique to avoid overfitting. Leaves out data to better deal with general cases. 20%-50% dropout is a good starting range. Momentum: Helps finding the direction of next descent and prevent oscillations....

June 12, 2023

Overview of Probability

I’ve always had trouble understanding probability, especially when entering into the more theoretical aspects of it. Here, I want to cover some of the basic concepts and functions core to probability in an easily digestible format that I can refer to later on when I inevitably forget it all. Random Variable Whenever there’s a question of probability, you tend to have some range of possible outcomes sourced from a specific event....

June 4, 2023

Intro to Machine Learning

In preparation for a deep learning course I’m taking over the Summer, I’m taking a short intro course on machine learning to help prepare me for some of the fundamental concepts. I’ve been avoiding AI for a while but given its ongoing application in nearly everything now, I figure it’s more than worth getting my feet wet. ML Overview flowchart LR subgraph Shader Lifecycle direction LR d[("Dataset")] --> m(("Model")) --> o("...

May 28, 2023

Handling Normals from Unity to Blender

While trying to import a plane from Blender to Unity, I ran into the issue of the normals facing the wrong direction once imported into Unity. This was particularly an issue when it came to vertex shaders as any vertex transform performed incorrectly. This crux of the issue is that Blender considers the z-axis to be the vertical axis while unity considers the y-axis to be. So, for a plane in Blender, the normals would face towards the positive z-axis but when imported to Unity, they remain so which to Unity is actually along the horizontal plane....

May 15, 2023

Playing With GLSL

From what I’ve read, one of the classic shader introductions people reference is this online module-of-sorts known as TheBookOfShaders. On there, it covers topics of how math can generates different shapes and textures within shaders along with plenty of examples and tip from basic to more advanced creations. Drawing Circles A Circle Using step To start, this is what it looks like using the step() function where for a circle of a radius, if the pixel is outside of this radius, give a value of 1, if not, return a 0....

May 11, 2023

Introduction to Unity Shaders

Shaders are programs used to describe how pixels should be arranged, colored, and transformed on the screen. The simple definition extends to so many applications especially in 3D graphics in movies and games. Every computer generated prop placed in a scene is carefully designed to look a certain way, all with the help of shaders. Shader’s make use of the GPU to constantly run concurrent calculation on every pixel and you can decide what those calculations do through programming with languages such as HLSL and GLSL....

May 6, 2023

Understanding Quaternions

When describing rotations of an object, the typical way would be through linear algebra and trigonometry. However, similarly to how complex numbers can be used to describe rotations in 2D, quaternions allow efficient and more pragmatic methods describing rotations in 3D. How It’s Done With Trigonometry Depending on the framework or software using, a lot of the work is already done for you with API available to you to perform rotations on shapes....

May 5, 2023

3D Character Unity Setup

I followed this tutorial Adding a 3D Character Animation States Unity has it’s own skeleton rigging system called Mecanim. To add animations to a character, you first need to add an animator component to your character model and then create a character controller object and link it to the component. Double clicking the controller will then open up a panel to handle state transitions between animations. There you can add each of the states you want to transition your model to and from....

May 3, 2023