When using a programming engine or framework, one of the things I get stuck on the most is how to organize all the directories and files for a project. Every technology has its own separate ethos when it comes to the separation of concerns. It’s such an important part in order to not have a growing project becoming a nightmare for other’s to work with, or even yourself after spending some time away from it.

I often get to caught up in getting and not getting it right as I’m afraid of the above reasons, but honestly I think I should just let go a little bit and allow myself to make mistakes. One thing to note about folder structure is that the best structure depends on your project and your workflow and that can’t be decided until you at least make some headway into the project itself first.

I often go back to this one quote I heard from Jacob Collier

“Less is more. But, less is only more if you know what more is.” - Jacob Collier

This very well may be a gross paraphrase, but I stand by it strongly for most things in life. In the end, it comes back to not being afraid of making mistakes but even more so, it means you can only get the true appreciation of the sublime if you let yourself experience the amiss. Then, when you take a step back, you finally know at the core, why doing something one way is better and why it isn’t.

It’s also an opportunity for your to decide if someone else’s sublime is also yours.

Anyways, this came about because I was harrowing over how to set up my Unity folder structure. There’s some good tips I found here https://unity.com/how-to/organizing-your-project. I suppose it’s good to have some pointers but perhaps I’ll follow my own tenet above and don’t overthink and instead, just do.