Hi, I’m a developer. That in itself doesn’t mean too much really and for me it only really marks the beginning of what I would like to do and achieve. I’ve read my share of devlogs and appreciate the amount of value it gives to readers while also envying the sheer knowledge and coherence each of the authors are able to display. I hope I can also create devlogs of similar value. Saying that, I don’t really expect to have an audience in this blog–infact part of me is too embarrassed to have this shown to anyone.

I’d like to treat this as something more of a pseudo diary for my own personal review in a way of progress marking as well as cementing the things I’ve learned over the course of my journey. However, the frightening nature of digital media is that these logs may be here to stay forever which may be long enough to outlast my current views and mindset. What I’m saying is, if it’s not myself reading this now, then either your pilgrammage has led you to somewhere quite remote and I hope you safe passage back, or I–with many emotions–have decided these are fit for public consumption to which I look up to that me with equal fondness and contempt.