I’m on my second week and to my surprise, all my anxieties and insecurities subsided really quickly. It had been while since I’ve had a proper schedule or talk to people in person on a frequent basis but I’m glad at how smoothly I’ve been able to reacclimate and I’ve been feeling a lot happier as a result.

Anyways so far, it’s just been a lot of intro talk and fundamentals of concepts I’ve already learned before. There are some teasers of new and interesting content up to come like the graphics pipeline but we’ve yet to wok directly with it.

First Assignment

Homework wise, we’ve just been given one assignment which was to create a blackjack game using whatever prior knowledge and language we had. I actually quite love this as a first assignment. It feels empowering to use what I already know to build games despite my limited experience in game building. As I’ve been primarily web programming, I naturally tended to creating a webapp with HTML/JS. People make fun of the language and rightfully so, but I love how easy to is to create interactive applications and how easy to is to get up on a live server for others to try.

In my case, I’ve just pushed on to a repository and hosted it on Github Pages.

Give it a try here https://hylu-dev.github.io/blackjack/.


Since the start of this semester, I’ve return to notebook task scheduling and trying to keep up a consistent flow things I’d like to accomplish whether it’s school assignments or personal skills like drawing. I’ve already been skipping out some days on the drawing–it’s still just hard to get into drawing practice I feel but at least the scheduling is making me feel accountable on it.

Another thing I’ve been keeping up is the dread Leet coding. I HATE LEET CODING… But, it’s unfortunately just so necessary for technical interviews so it’s best I get used to it now. I’ve so far done a good job keeping up daily problems and I’m feeling more comfortable just booting one up to work on. Here’s to keeping my resolve!

This is just the start for me so I got a lot work to do. To whoever reading, I hope you the best in your endeavors and to keep a smile on throughout your journey c: